Saturday, October 10, 2009

Frankfurt, and the Zoo

Our day trip to Frankfurt, which is about half an hour away, was on a beautiful fall Saturday, and we had left early enough to hope to catch the weekly flea market that is held along the banks of the Main river. Unfortunately, it wasn't where the internet said it was, and we did not find it. So we went to the Zoo!

The Frankfurt zoo is fairly small, but they did have a fairly extensive collection of smaller animals, some of which I had never seen before! Including a ferret-like creature that lives in North America that I had never even heard of. Sorry I don't remember what it was called..

They also had an aquarium section, which I thought was different for a zoo, and a large section just for nocturnal creatures.

Here's the highlights! Click on any picture to visit the entire Flickr set.

Malaysian Sun Bear. Doesn't it look like a Sharpei?
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Funny Mongoose thing. Sorry I didn't write down their names!
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J, none too happy to have his picture taken. Also, yummy CurryWurst (a bratwurst covered in curry ketchup and curry powder) and Frankfurt Apfelwein that tastes like oak-aged hard cider.
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After the zoo we walked down Zeil street, the pedestrian shopping zone, and went in this amazing geodesic funnel-shaped mall! It was gorgeous! Here's a pic on the top floor:
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This guy's job really sucks: Walking Bratwurst vendor
Bratwurst Guy

And here's the obligatory picture of Romerberg square!
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