If you have any questions feel free to email or comment to me.
Materials: One skein Lambs Pride Bulky, 2 balls (about 60grams total) of Belangor pure Angora (any weight angora would work for this. You can probably get away with 50grams, but it would be pushing it).
Set of 5 Size 10 dpns
Using wool CO 24 stitches, work 1in 1x1 ribbing. Join Angora and kf&b of each stitch EXCEPT KNIT FRONT OF EVERY ST WITH WOOL, AND BACK OF EVERY ST WITH ANGORA. Your stitches should now go wool, angora, wool, angora etc. W=wool, A=angora
For the rest of the mitten I hold the wool english and the angora continental.
Work another inch of ribbing. For doubleknit ribbing kW, move W in front, kA, purl W, kA, move yarn in back, kW. remember to keep the angora loose so it follows the gauge of the wool. If desired, knit a longer cuff. I like shorter-cuffed mittens

Switch to Stockinette. (doubleknit stockinette=kw, move yarn in front, kA, move yarn in back,*)
Increase one stitch at the end of each needle. For the rest of the pattern One stitch=one wool AND one angora. So to increase one stitch you need to make one of each. (28 stitches)
Every other row I slipped the angora instead of knitting it to make it go further.
Knit 2 inches, increase again (32 stitches) For smaller hands ignore this increase.
knit 1 inch. Total inch of mitten=5inches
Left thumb gusset:
On needle 2 knit 2 stitches, then knit the next 5 or 6 stitches with waste yarn (knit the wool and angora together). Slip waste yarn stitches back onto left needle and knit them again with the working yarns, holding them together as one yarn(only for these 5 stitches). On the next round separate yarns in those stitches again.
Knit 10 more rounds.
If dividing for trigger finger on the left hand, slip the last 5 stitches of needle 2, and the first 5 stitches of needle 3 onto waste yarn. Continue knitting remaining finger section until piece reaches the top of your pinky. For rounded mitten top, k2tog the first 2 stitches of needle 1, and ssk the last 2 stitches of needle 4 EVERY 3RD ROUND three times (3 decrease rows total). Use a 3-needle bind off to close the mitten.
If Left mitten is intact (no separate finger) work decreases on both sides of mitten: end of needle 1 k2tog end of needle 2 ssk. Beg of needle 3 k2tog, end of needle 4 ssk. Repeat every 3rd row 3 times as above.
Thumb: remove waste yarn and pick up 10-12 live stitches around the hole. knit to 1/4 inch below the top of the thumb, k2tog every st, then run working yarn through all remaining stitches and cinch tight.
Finger: Follow directions as for thumb.
Right Mitten:
Follow as for left except:
Thumb Gusset: on needle 3 knit 1 st, then knit the next 5 or 6 with waste yarn, slip back onto needle, knit again with working yarns.
Can you redo the picture as it does not appear with the pattern?
Hi great reeading your blog
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