I just finished my first sock!
It's a little mini test-sock done in Lamb's Pride sock yarn on size US#1 needles. Damn little thing took forever! Next time I make socks I'm doing it with worsted weight yarn, this teenie-tiny stuffis rediculous! looks comfy though, I'm sure I'll succumb again to it eventually :P
I had no problems at all with this little thing! Easy as pie :) turning heels is fun!
Here it is blocking on my patio.

And here's the first arm warmer to match that plaid hat (I had yarn left).
I took the shape from the "Hurry up Spring Armwarmers", but changed the pattern, obviously.

this is not blocked yet (Nor are the ends even woven in!)
The cable does lie in the center of your hand, it's just doing it in this pic, i don't know why.