Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I hadnt really decided what I wanted to do with the handles for this bag, and finally decided that the shape called for cast-off/cast-on handles like the bag that inspired this one, the Marsupial Tote. So I started doing the handles then realized that the body of he bag was just a bit longer than I liked it, so I frogged back all the orange I had done on top of the blue, and 4 rows of blue. I think it will work out now. I'm going to edge the handles with green on the inside and blue on the top of the bag, orange down the sides, and stripes of all 3 colors to reinforce the bottom.

I also discovered the message boards! whee! I could spend all day on there, but I can't since I have to work at 2:00. I added new links to people and places though, and even added two buttons so people can link me too!

1 comment:

RedThread said...

Thank you! It was getting a little lonely over here! I'll link you on my sidebar :)*looks again* OH! I saw your blog already! I love your stuff and you seem really cool :) yay for new friends!